Time & Location
10 Dec 2016, 15:00
arthere, Rasimpaşa, Beydağı Sk 3 A, 34716 Kadıköy/İstanbul, Turkey
About the event
With a generous support of the IBC (International Blue crescent), arthereistanbul will organize and an empowerment program for emerging artists and art professionals. The serie of workshops and art talks will be organised with several art professionals including art managers, academics, curators, thinkers, and art critics, the series of talks, workshops will be during December 2016. Aim of the workshops and talks is to bring emerging Syrian and Turkish artists together to discuss the challenges and ways to deal with the art scene and system in Turkey, inform them regarding their rights and exchange experiences and knowledge, Also provide some practical and hand on workshops on art related topics and subjects. Saturday on 10th of Dec., photographer Ata Kam who has several photography books will be giving a workshop about handmade books. "Bir mücellit" is a book binding workshop where participants learn and apply the basic skills for handmade books that can then be applied for their own artistic work. The group will study two main binding techniques: cross-stitching and Japanese four-hole binding. Basic information about binding and materials will also be provided. You do not need to have any prior experience to attend the workshop. *limited with 10 person **Please email us to register: info@arthereistanbul.com