By coming to Turkey – by being in Istanbul – by going at Art Here – Olivier Schuppisser arrives in an environment of passage and exchange. This movement thrusts awareness which engages in settling stepping stones for the big-size painting of his residency. Having arranged the composition, four months will be needed to refine and complete the 185 cm x 277cm masterpiece.
After studying in Lausanne & Zurich in Switzerland and Beijing in China, Olivier Schuppisser focused on combining contemporary art concepts with traditional methods through his medium: oil painting.
By challenging one of the oldest art practices Olivier undertakes in answering two questions: what to do with contemporary art in our present days – and in particular: painting? What is worthwhile expressing and what is not? The compositions of his paintings are deeply thought and most of all the relationships held within them. Relationships on the one hand thought on a figurative level – for example – within the composition between figures/components of the composition or through the display between the painting and the viewer via dimension relationships or exhibition technics of the painting. On the other hand, Olivier adjusts relationships within the composition on an emotional level: by playing with the verisimilitude of size authenticity, the different textures oil paint and brushes enable, diversity of pigment origin… and much more.
The most important for Olivier Schuppisser is for his paintings to dazzle: “be a light in the dark or a sparkle in the sun”